Coire Lagan Cam and Info

    This camera operates 24/7,
    but Tom, Ellyn, and Coire are here during normal work day hours only.

    Let Tom or Ellyn know, if you see anything that needs to be fixed quickly.

Camera courtesy of Mark St Pierre.

Here's a link to Coire's name inspiration on the Isle of Skye. There are several Coire Lagan pictures here.
Skye, South Cuillin, Coire Lagan

A reference from a Gaelic Guide to Coire:
coire (corrie) a round hollow in the mountainside, cirque, sea-gulf, whirlpool Some pictures of a Coire on a hike.
More pictures of Coires.

A good piture of a Coire in the Cairngorms in Scotland: Coire an t-Sneachda
Ba Corrie, the largest Corrie (Coire) in Scotland (on the right side).

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